A New Way to Hope: Stories That Describe the Journey To Hope
by William Stephenson, Ph.D.
Proisle Publishing Services

"I am convinced that no one should come to the end of life without hope."

Author Stephenson recounts his many experiences in counseling those who were nearing death, revealing a deeper understanding of such suffering and the ways that hope can be found. His human-scale vignettes of those he assisted open with young Anthony, suffering from cancer, who liked to draw. His artistic innovations would later lead to a memorable gathering of friends and family, including the author, with Anthony leading everyone in song. Kathy, a deeply discouraged young woman, was asked by Stephenson to interview fellow patients, which gave her “a reason to get up every day.”

Some of Stephenson’s encounters happened outside the hospital atmosphere. One situation involved children who were haunted by fear after a random shooting in their community center of several adults, many of whom were parents. When encouraged to express their feelings, the children spontaneously began to stomp on a picture of the killer, venting their rage and sorrow and evoking catharsis. A woman who used to beg on the street for money to live on from Stephenson and other passersby one day suddenly announced she had found a job, and instead of begging, she was giving a small gift to everyone who had helped her to achieve “thanksgiving and hope.”

Stephenson is an established author and now-retired counselor who has assisted hundreds of people facing life-threatening circumstances. His focus on life’s difficult pathways is inspirational, sharing with readers insights he imparted—and received—as he demonstrates how those whom he encountered shared and taught many spiritual lessons. Stephenson offers an infusion of fresh hope through these touching case studies and makes a strong argument for living and finding meaning and purpose in the moments one has left on earth. Many will undoubtedly be encouraged by this work.

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