Back to Somalia
by Glenn A. Bell

"Several small arm rounds hit just above the cockpit window next to Cajun’s head. It shatters the Plexiglass sending several shards at his head and neck area."

Ethan Breaux, better known as Cajun, is an excellent pilot. During his time in the service, he flew Cobra attack choppers and Chinooks and trained new pilots. After leaving the service, he begins flying commercial 737s and reconnects with Savannah, a fellow Louisianan and the love of his life. Compared to the thrill of flying a Cobra, domestic life leaves him feeling uneasy and missing the adrenaline rush. When a friend from the past offers him a chance to manage a private flight service in England, he accepts the offer and expands the business to include more security work. Soon after, his college buddy, who is with the CIA, approaches him about a mission to steal a previously stolen nuke in Somalia. Cajun refuses until he learns that Savannah has gone missing in the same region of the world. Cajun begins to call his old crew and make plans for the most important mission of his life.

Bell’s military adventure is a heist story at its heart. Having served as an Army helicopter pilot and air mission commander in real life, Bell fills his novel with his firsthand knowledge of the aircraft involved and the manner in which missions are conceived and executed. His writing is detailed and businesslike, and his sentences are clear. The protagonist speaks disparagingly of Muslims and Islam, which some might find offensive. There are also points where too much minute information is shared, but military enthusiasts will likely enjoy the additional particulars. The action scenes are engaging, feeling like a mix of The A-Team and Top Gun. Readers who are looking for an armed forces-inspired novel centered on mission planning and attack choppers will find all of that in this book.

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