Liberty and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State
by Robert J. O’Keefe
PageTurner Press and Media

"...Declaration of Independence refers to an equal endowment of rights by the Creator... not as self-evident as when the Declaration of Independence was written."

In this important work, O'Keefe squares off regarding the Founding Fathers' final decisions based on arguments in the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers were published pro-and-con opinions held by delegates working jointly on the United States Constitution. Often separated by distance from Philadelphia and their views, attendees would pass along viewpoints via letters printed in newspapers. Issues drawing fire by the states had to be settled to ratify a replacement for the Articles of Confederation. The original Articles had authorized Congress to deal with foreign policy, defense, and territories. Now there had to be an authority to ensure state accountability.

The separation between church and state was hotly debated. Delegates wanted to avoid what had forced them to leave Europe: they must be free to worship the Creator as they saw fit and to teach younger generations. A government that regulated their worship was abhorrent. This book shows the threads that led to compromises for this and other points, such as should the judicial system have the final say over the other two branches of government and was slavery to be allowed by state decision.

Kudos are due to O'Keefe for providing a wealth of information that is seldom taught in American schools. The author explains exactly what the Federalist Papers are. These wise words and discussions appeared in newspapers, the social media of their day, permitting the people a voice. Expounding on anti- and pro-Federalist thought-provoking arguments reveals the authors behind some pen names, rationalizations, and insight. O'Keefe explains rather than judges. The book warns about issues that would develop if Americans were no longer moral individuals. The author's admirable handling of these still relevant topics proves that he is an astute student of the Constitution.

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